True Water launch new Kubota sewage treatment system at Lake Awoonga
A successful collaboration between True Water, Kubota and the Gladstone Area Water Board

Custom sewage treatment solutions for Unique Locations
When clients come to us with challenging sites, True Water is ready to deliver custom solutions

Sewage Treatment Education part of True Waters service in Fiji
As part of our commitment to the Pacific, our staff regularly travel to Fiji to undertake training

True Water updates Kubota STP Maintenance and Operation training
True Water recently travelled to Japan for further training in Kubota STP Operation and Maintenance

True Water achieve national milestone of 800 Fuji Clean installs
This represents 1/8th of all Fuji Clean sewage treatment systems in Australia and many satisfied homeowners.

Sewage Treatment Compliance a Concern for Regulators
They regulate commercial onsite treatment plants and ensure they are working correctly

Service Station Sewage Treatment Solutions
There are specific challenges to consider when providing treatment plants for Service Stations

Maintain your Home Sewage Treatment System in 5 Easy Steps
Maintaining a healthy system will prevent costly breakdowns and ensure a long life for your investment.

Check out our new website
Our new site has been redesigned with you in mind