Essential Services Delivery
True Water Community, in partnership with Kubota Corporation, provide essential services and wastewater infrastructure to communities and developments without access to municipal sewer services.
For over 150 years, the centralised infrastructure model has been utilised to manage raw sewage. This approach involves capturing wastewater from one or multiple catchments and transporting it over long distances to a central location for treatment before discharge. However, this model is often fraught with economic challenges from both CAPEX and OPEX perspectives. Moreover, it fails to provide any social benefits and can result in adverse environmental outcomes.
True Water Community collaborates with important stakeholders to provide high-quality treatment plants for small communities, satellite communities, and the urban fringe (0-5000Ep). Our innovative wastewater configurations provide viable long-term infrastructure that demonstrates exceptional lifecycle benefits, minimises operating costs, and secures environmental sustainability.

Centralised Treatment and Reuse (CTR)
Centralised Treatment and Reuse can be described as a middle ground solution between Traditional Centralised Infrastructure and the DTR Infrastructure Model. CTR incorporates the use of Japanese Johkasou treatment technologies for applications within single communities up to approximately 10,000 people.
Wastewater is conveyed via conventional methods (gravity or pressure sewer networks) to a Kubota Treatment Plant to treatment. Treated water is then utilised where possible through the community or surrounding areas.
True Water CTR infrastructure model allow developers to realise development potential without the impediment of slow service provision. The point of difference is the reduction of scale, scalability reduction of capital and operational costs, control of discharge, and highly-refined treatment technology.
Decentralised Treatment and Reuse (DTR©)
The DTR© wastewater infrastructure model has been developed as an alternative to existing centralised and third pipe sewage models. DTR© is a complete infrastructure package designed for use by essential service providers in both large and small urban applications where centralised sewage is constrained or not viable.
The DTR© model is designed to meet the broad scale challenges of medium density urban and rural developments offering essential service providers with a tool to achieve modern planning and sustainability objectives.
Advances in sewage technology allow for a decentralised lot by lot delivery which meets key stakeholder objectives including scalability, capacity control, capital control, operational profitability, simplification of management and resource security.