Infrastructure Delivery
True Water Australia, in partnership with Kubota Corporation, provides world-leading wastewater technology throughout Australia and the Pacific.

True Water completes a detailed STP concept, design, and configuration to ensure project-specific requirements.
In the event this work is completed by third-party consultants, our team refine the design of each system component to provide clients with the best cost and operational outcome. The size and scale of the plant are confirmed once the project scale, site constraints, influent strength, and quality of treated water have been established.
The final design demonstrates a best-practice outcome that balances technical specification, operational performance, and technology complexity. This achieves long-term, compliant, and financially viable treatment performance.
Fast and efficient installation of your wastewater treatment system is achieved through comprehensive manufacture, assembly, and testing prior to delivery.
Manufacture of the Kubota STP modules and essential components is completed under ISO:14001 and ISO:9001 certification. This standardised production, assures surety of operation and guarantees a strong performance-specific warranty.
True Water fabricates and assembles all additional components prior to dispatching them to the site for installation; this includes the STP controller, telemetry, airlines, transfer piping, and pump sets. This manufacture and assembly is completed adhering to strict quality assurance processes, minimising risks associated with onsite fabrication.

True Water offers unique installation options to suit project requirements.
The manufacture and assembly of STP, prior to delivery, allows for effective below-ground installation which minimises temperature fluctuations and eliminates visual impact. Installation of True Water systems is provided under two alternative delivery frameworks.
Comprehensive installation denotes that our expert technicians undertake all safety, civil, construction and commissioning activities required for providing a turnkey solution. Alternatively, supervised installation allows the client’s project team to assume responsibility for all safety, civil, construction and commissioning activities. True Water delivers all system components and provides onsite supervision of the system installation by local trades and supplies.
Detailed commissioning and testing confirm your STP is ready to commence operation.
The commissioning process is the final, and most vital, stage of the project delivery. It provides operational testing to confirm the plant is operating as designed and project objectives are achieved.
The STP undergoes testing to confirm it is operating as per the manufacturer’s guidelines; this process involves undertaking quality assurance tests and checks of electrical, communications, and hydraulic services.
On-site training is then provided to the project team regarding the operation of the STP and the effluent disposal system. This ensures the client and their team have a reasonable understanding of basic operation requirements and checks.