Lae, Papua New Guinea
250kl Kubota K-HC-R STP
Design and Construct STP
True Water designed and delivered a 250m3 Sewage Treatment Plant for the community of Lae in PNG. This was achieved as part of an Australian and Papua New Guinea Government agreement to refocus aid and better deliver essential services and infrastructure. Igam Barracks is located approximately 10 km North of Lae, Papua New Guinea. The STP currently services the military barracks, offices and a localised township. The delivery of the Sewage Treatment Plant through the Australian Defence Force resulted in the direct provision of infrastructure without unnecessary cost.
True Water worked closely with the Australian Army to deliver the aid project in a coordinated effort that provides amenity and public health benefits through the delivery of the community sewage infrastructure. Detailed planning and experienced logistical coordination saw the treatment plant installed within a three weeks of arriving in Papua New Guinea.
True Water’s innovation, attention to details, focus on quality, dedication and customer service are above reproach. I am extremely happy with the quality and professionalism displayed by the company and it’s employees. Throughout the project True Water’s dedication and customer service was outstanding. They diligently supported the requirements of the Army in their ongoing maintenance with a dependable, reactive and programmed service regime.
B. Mathews – Warrant Officer Class Two
Designing sewage treatment in PNG
The 250m3 Kubota Sewage Treatment Plant has been manufactured by Kubota under its strict Quality Assurance processes. Due to refined manufacturing process and detailed quality management system, Kubota sewage treatment plants are of the highest quality and include design and engineering features we have come to expect from multinational Japanese corporations such as Toyota, Honda or Nissan.
System design and configuration is completed with care for each True Water STP to ensure it is suited to project specific requirements. True Water refines the design of each component of the system to provide the best cost and operational outcome. Upon sign off of final design, the STP was manufactured by Kubota Corporation under ISO:14001 and ISO:9001 certification. Mass production, standardisation, and uniformity provide surety of operation. Following factory manufacture and assembly, the Kubota systems were shipped directly from Japan to the port in Lae.
True Water fabricate and assemble all additional componentry including STP controller, telemetry, airlines, transfer piping and pump sets prior to dispatch to site. Manufacture and assembly were completed adhering to strict quality assurance processes, minimising risks associated with onsite fabrication. Once completed, all components along with the materials, specialist tools and parts required for onsite installation were carefully packed and shipped to Papua New Guinea.

Key Project Requirements
Key project requirements shaped the design and delivery of a fit for purpose solution for Igam Barracks.
To ensure minimal interruption of operation, the STP is highly reliable and includes contingency and safeguards to ensure continuity of service at all times, including during peak usage and power outages.
True Water immediately identified the potential need for future expansion to meet growing hydraulic loads and growth at the site. The STP was designed with the capability to have capacity easily expanded to meet any future demand. Scalability ensures the STP is always sized to meet daily flows and reduces overall capital costs.
Local Engagement in PNG
Engagement and upskilling of the local workforce was a key element in the delivery of the Igam STP. Local staff were involved in each stage of STP construction, installation and commissioning.
Influent Strength
The STP receives influent generated by ablutions and amenities within the barracks. Generally, the influent is of a domestic nature. However due to the variations experienced by the site, the STP must be capable of handling influent with contaminant concentrations beyond domestic levels.
Environmnetal Impact of Sewage Treatment
In accordance with ADF’s performance mandate, the infrastructure must not negatively impact the environment. This aligned well with True Water’s vision for all STP’s to provide a neutral or beneficial impact to the environment.
Supervised installation by local staff and contractors
True Water technicians supervised the installation which was completed by a local workforce. This supervised delivery model ensures warranty requirements are met while allowing the client more control of capital expense and safety requirements.Due to manufacture and assembly prior to delivery, installation is completed quickly and efficiently. Testing, commissioning and sign off occurs once the system commences operation. This involves quality assurance assessment of installation, testing of componentry and redundancies.
The client required a strong emphasis on local trade and workforce engagement, with a focus on skill development and ongoing education. Once installation and commissioning was complete, True Water technicians provided training in the day-to-day maintenance of the sewage treatment plant in PNG. Ongoing remote managment is coordinated with onsite staff with scheduled visits from True Water to complete repairs and provide further training. The ongoing training and personal interaction has developed a strong local knowledgebase the STP and its management.
Local ownership, knowledge and pride are clear outcomes from this collaborative project.