- ADWF | Average dry weather flow
- AES | Advanced enviro septic (pipe system that is like an underground septic tank)
- AGWR | Australian guidelines for water recycling
- Anthropogenic | Air pollution caused or produced by humans
- AEP | Annual exceedance probability
- ATU | Aerobic treatment units
- AWTS | Aerated Wastewater Treatment System
- BERM | Flat strip of land, raised bank, or terrace bordering a river or canal
- BOD | Biological oxygen level
- Camlock | The fitting used to connect or disconnect a hose or pipe in a fast and efficient manner
- CDR | Concept design report
- CFU | Colony-forming unit per 100 millilitres (unit number of bacteria)
- COD | Chemical oxygen demand
- COPC | Chemicals of protection concern (testing for contaminated soil)
- CWMS | Septic tanks connected to a communal effluent dispersal system
- DA Tracker | Development approval tracker
- Denitrification | Microbial facilitated process where nitrate (NO-3) is reduced and ultimately produces molecular nitrogen (N2)
- DIR | Design irrigation rate
- DLR | Design loading rate
- DTR | Decentralised treatment and reuse
- EMP | Environmental management plan
- Ep | Equivalent persons
- EPBC | Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (key Australian Federal Government legislation)
- EPCM | Engineering, procurement, and construction management
- Ephemeral | Lasting for a very short amount of time (such as an ephemeral waterway)
- EST | Effluent storage tank which holds effluent from STP prior to it being dispersed
- ETA Bed | Evapotranspiration absorption (ETA) beds which are generally unlined beds capable of deep seepage
- Eutrophication | When a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients which results in oxygen depletion of the water body
- FBT | Flow balance tank in an STP
- Flocculate | Cause to form into small clumps or masses
- FOG | Fats, oils, and greases
- Gough Toilet | Dry, or micro flush system (no grey water)
- HAZOP | Hazard and operational study of a planned or existing process to identify potential risks to personal or equipment
- Household Sewage Treatment Plant | HSTP
- IBC | Intermediate bulk container (one thousand litres)
- Infill Sewerage | Decommissioning of septic systems
- Independent water utility | IWU
- LAA or EDA | Land Application Area or Effluent Dispersal Area
- Lamella Clarifier | Inclined plate settler designed to remove particulates from liquid
- LCA | Land capability assessment for onsite wastewater management
- Leachate | Highly toxic liquid that extracts soluble or suspended solids, or any other component of the material through which it has passed
- LGA | Local Government Area
- Loam | Soil composed of sand, silt, and clay in relatively even concentration (ideal for agriculture)
- MEDLI | Model for designing effluent re-use schemes
- Nitrated | Oxidation of ammonia
- OSSM | Onsite sewage management
- OCPs | Organochlorine pesticides associated with surface soils due to agricultural activity
- ORG | Overflow relief gully
- PAC | Powder-activated carbon
- Packed Treatment Plant | Components brought together (packaged)
- PD Online | Planning and development online
- PDA | Priority development areas are parcels of land identified by the government for accelerated development and economic growth
- PED | Lumps found in soil samples
- Phytotoxic | Poisonous to plants
- PF | Peak flow
- PQC | Government prequalification
- Pump Skid | Pump and driver, such as an electric motor or diesel engine, mounted on a common steel base
- PWWF | Peak wet weather flow
- Quaternary | The most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic Era in the geologic time scale of the International Commission on Stratigraphy
- RAS | Sludge returned to the early stage with the microbiota
- REF | Review of environmental factors
- Reticulation | Network of pipes used in irrigation and water supply
- RFI | Request for information
- RFT | Request for tender
- Riparian Zone | Interface between the land, river, or a stream
- Riprap | Loose stone used to form a foundation for a breakwater or other structure
- Riser | Spacers placed on top of wastewater systems for deeper burials that connect to low drainage pipes
- RWMP | Reclaimed water management plan
- RWS | Reclaimed water scheme
- SAR | Sodium adsorption rate
- SBMP | Site-based management plan
- SBR | Sequential batch reactor
- SCADA | Supervisory control and data acquisition
- Sewer Conversion | Converting from septic to sewer
- Sewer Mining | Tapping into the wastewater system (either before or after WWTP) treating water and using it as recycled water
- Sewer Pump Station | Intermediate tank or chamber with a submersible pump that collects sewerage and pumps it out to a municipal system
- Slake | The breakdown of large, air-dry soil aggregates (>2-5 mm) into smaller-sized micro aggregates (<0.25 mm) when suddenly immersed in water
- SMG | Suitable management guidelines
- Sodiaciity | The amount of sodium (positive ion) that is held loosely in clay particles found in soil
- Spear Dewatering | Commonly used when excavations are required to extend beyond the groundwater table
- SPS | Sewage pumping station
- SS | Suspended solids
- STED | Septic tank effluent disposal
- Sullage | Wastewater from household sinks, showers, and baths (excludes waste liquid or excreta from toilets)
- Supernatant | Denoting the liquid lying above a solid residue after crystallisation, precipitation, centrifugation, and other processes
- Suspended Solids | Small solid particles which remain in water (an indicator of water quality)
- SWMS | Safe work method statement
- TDS | Total dissolved solids
- TKN | Total Kjeldhal nitrogen
- TN | Total nitrogen or measure of nitrogen content inc nitrate (NO3, NO2), ammonia (NH3), organic nitrogen
- TP | Total phosphorus or sum of all forms of phosphorus in effluent
- Triple Interceptor | Food and oil interceptor or grease trap
- TSS | Total suspended solids
- Turkey’s Nest | Small earth dam adjacent to, and higher than, a larger earth dam, to feed water by gravity to a cattle trough, etc
- TWL | Top water level
- Vegetative Screen | Areas of dense vegetation planted to reduce erosion and improve runoff water quality
- WRAMS | Water reclamation and management scheme
- WSUD | Water-sensitive urban design
- WWTP | Wastewater Treatment Plant
- WWTS | Wastewater Treatment System
- WWTP | Wastewater Treatment Plant